How can you understand almost all of a language, but can't put words together to speak?
Am i just lazy? oooor american? or ashamed?
I love seeing my family and my friends. I want to be myself, but I feel restricted. I remember a quote from pasley's room that says, "The limits of my language stand for the limits of my world," by Ludwig Wittgenstein. Amazing how true that is.
Tipo assim, it's like this...Quick example/lesson
Take the verb, Ficar
now literally, ficar means to stay
but every language has teenagers, so, entao, every language has juiras, or slang.
Ficar, means the same thing as "talking" in english slang.
Now, when you talk to someone, that could mean talking generally, or kissing, or casually having to buy condoms, and typically being non exclusive, meaning you can do the same with multiple people...ew.
One slip of the tongue with Ficar, if you say Fincar, it means to have somewhat of a hard rough sex.
So if you wanted to say "Ah lets 'talk' " in portuguese, but you added an extra N in there somewhere...ahahhaha then thatd suck for you, or maybe not, depending on your uhh, may i say, harlett-ness.
one more thing before i leave you
I forgot the word, but pussy and stalker is the same word in portuguese.....por que?
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